Florida injury victims are the reason that the Schrier Law Group began. With over 65 years of personal injury experience, the law firm has everything you need to have successful cases! Product liability cases are both unique and complicated. They have a number of different outlets when it comes to determining liability of the incident. Product Liability Attorneys are the ones you call when you’re entering into a product liability personal injury claim. Your lawyer will be well versed in order to assess the necessary facts, craft a strategic defense, and fight for your rights. If you or a loved one have been hurt in a product liability accident, then call the Schrier Law Group today!
When Can One Make a Product Liability Case?
A product liability case is only able to come to fruition if a product fails to meet safety requirements. In this case, the manufacturer of said product would have been negligent and liable for injuries or accidents caused by the faulty product. This negligence is enough for a claim to be made for a product liability case. It is difficult to prove a manufacturer was negligent in the representation or presentation of the product. However, it may be done by an attorney willing to formulate strategies based on prior experience.
Where to Look for Manufacturer Negligence?
There are a few key things you’ll be looking for when trying to prove negligence over a product. Misrepresentation is a big factor in this search. You’re looking for easily mistaken things that are quick for the eye to catch. Another way for negligence is being able to prove that a product is either faulty or dangerous. In some cases, video evidence or a visual example will need to take place for a product to be proven faulty. Finally, improper labels are a huge giveaway. If an incident occurs while following the directions, or something was mislabeled on the product and injury was caused due to it, then negligence may be proven. If you or a loved one have been injured due to a product that was improperly represented or labeled, then contact the Schrier Law Group for a free consultation today!