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When Should I Call an Auto Accident Attorney After an Accident?


person being pulled over after a car accident while on the phone with an auto accident attorney

The legal advice offered by an experienced auto accident lawyer can save you time, frustration, and a lot of money. However, if you wait too long, your injuries may worsen, and you could lose your right to ever recover damages. 

Are you unsure if you should call a Florida auto accident lawyer after your accident? Listed below, are a few of the most common examples of when an accident attorney can benefit you. 

  • An insurance company requests medical records from before the accident
  • An insurance company has made you a lowball offer
  • An insurance company is offering a structured settlement rather than a total lump sum 
  • It’s difficult to prove that you lost wages
  • It’s unclear who is responsible for an accident
  • More than one party may be liable for the accident
  • You require assistance negotiating a fair settlement
  • You’re unsure how to calculate your damages

Contact the auto accident lawyers at Schrier Law Group today for a free consultation – we can help. Continue reading to learn when you should call an attorney after a car accident

Should You Always Call a Lawyer After an Accident? 

Accident victims who seek skillful legal representation typically fare much better in settlement negotiations. Accident law experts recommend seeking legal representation when:

  • An insurance company denies your claim
  • Liability is unclear
  • The case may require expert investigators or witnesses
  • The insurance company is making lowball offers
  • The injured party is a minor
  • The other party has filed a lawsuit against you
  • You are injured and have significant medical bills
  • You are not at fault or partially at fault for the accident
  • Your quality of life has been affected by your accident
  • You are temporarily or permanently disabled because of the accident

Waiting to call an attorney could harm your claim. For negligence lawsuits, there is generally only a four-year time limitation for when you must file a lawsuit within. If a family member or loved one tragically died, due to a negligent driver in a car accident, then you often only have two years from the date of the death to file a lawsuit for wrongful death.

According to Florida Statute 627.736, (the Florida Pip Statute), you only have 14 days to see a doctor after an auto. accident. If you fail to seek medical treatment promptly and within 14 days, after you sustain injuries from an auto accident, the Pip insurance company will almost always legally deny paying your hospital and your medical provider’s bills that would typically be paid by your Pip Insurance Company under Florida’s no fault laws. 

What is Comparative Negligence?

If there is an accident, then comparative negligence leads to the division of monetary compensation, from each careless party, based on the fault that each party is found responsible for. If the total value of your negligence case was determined to be worth $200,000 and two drivers caused the accident, (one driver was determined to be 80% at fault and the other driver found to be 20% responsible), each driver would contribute a proportional percentage of their fault for the accident. ($160,000 & $40,000 respectively). 

Insurers use comparative negligence to determine how much blame or fault to accept, before paying you for your claim & case. Florida’s comparative negligence statutes award damages for accidents proportionally based on the determination of the degrees of each party’s negligence. 

What if the Driver Leaves the Scene After an Accident in Florida? 

Under Florida Statutes, Sections 316.061-316.063, individuals who leave the scene of an accident that involves bodily injury, property damage, or death violate the law. If one leaves the scene after causing an injury, it is a felony in Florida. 

A person can be convicted for leaving the scene of a Florida accident if they: 

  • Operate a vehicle involved in an accident, and it led to severe injury or death of another person or property damage.
  • You were aware, or you should have been aware that you were involved in an accident, but you still fled the scene.
  • You willfully chose to leave the scene without providing identifying information to the other person or calling the police.
  • You failed to offer much-needed assistance to another individual involved in the accident.

A knowledgeable Florida accident attorney can support those who are victims of hit and runs and those who have been falsely accused. 

How Can an Auto Accident Lawyer Help Me?

Hiring an auto accident attorney can improve your chances of recovering money damages in your case. Personal injury law experts recommend hiring a lawyer when it’s not apparent what your damages are or who is at fault.  

Negligence and liability aren’t always easy to establish. For that reason, hiring a skilled investigator could make a big difference in your case.  It’s important to note that once you’ve accepted an offer from the insurance company, you most likely will also forfeit your right to ever pursue additional damages. 

With that in mind, it’s in your best interest to consult an attorney before settling your own case or before signing any papers given to you by an insurance company.

Contact Schrier Law Group Today

Your attorney will protect your rights, explain your legal options, and guide you through the auto accident claims process. Auto accident attorneys handle many matters, including investigating your case, gathering evidence, dealing with insurance companies, filing lawsuits, negotiating, and representing you in court if negotiations fail.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to file an auto accident claim. Call 1-800-700-PAUL today to schedule your free initial case review