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A person struggling to swim waving their hands in the air to alert others they might be drowning.

How a Pool Drowning Lawyer Can Help You Seek Compensation for Pool Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4,000 people drown every year. A significant number of those drownings occur in swimming pools. While many consider a swimming pool drowning a simple accident, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been prevented. If a loved one drowns in a preventable pool accident, you deserve … Read more

A person holding out a life preserver to someone who is at risk of drowning.

What to Do if You Witness a Drowning Accident in Florida

More than 10 Americans drown each day, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Tragically, it is the second leading cause of death for children between the ages of 1 and 4. With so many swimming opportunities in Florida, drowning deaths are tragically common. Even accomplished swimmers can be in … Read more

boys jumping into a pool in florida

Top Reasons Pool Drownings Occur

Florida has the most residential pools of any state and year-round weather that encourages regular dips in the pool. In many ways, it’s a swimmer’s paradise. However, there is a downside – pool drownings and pool accidents.  Florida ranks 6th in the nation for pool drowning deaths. Further, recent research suggests that Florida is #1 … Read more