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Concept of Product Liability write on sticky notes with gavel isolated on Wooden Table.

Do Recalls Matter in Product Liability Lawsuits?

When a product’s safety is questioned, the turer or a government agency may issue a recall, a notice that advises the public about the potential risk the product presents and what to do to avoid injury.  The primary purpose of recall notices is to prevent individuals from needlessly suffering harm because of a dangerous product. … Read more

The Three Types of Product Defects: What They Are and What They Mean

The Three Types of Product Defects: What They Are and What They Mean

In 2023, over 300 recalls affecting more than 150 million consumer product units were issued in the United States. Despite how that may sound, that only represents a small number of products available to the public that could be hazardous or cause injuries. Defective products abound, and there is no guarantee their dangerous qualities will … Read more

Woman getting her face checked for cancer after using Johnson and Johnson sunscreen. She called a product liability lawyer first.

Johnson and Johnson Go to Settle For Recalled Cancer-Causing Sunscreen

Recently, Johnson & Johnson and Costco reached an agreement to settle several class-action lawsuits claiming the presence of a cancer-inducing agent (benzene) in multiple J&J sunscreen products. Unfortunately, this is not the first time a multinational corporation has sold faulty and dangerous products to consumers, and it is likely not the last.  With that in … Read more